26 Feb 2017

10 Questions To Ask When Choosing A University To Study In The United States

There are many reasons people choose a university to study at in the United States- from fantastic architectural designs, beautiful websites to how many familiar faces they would meet on getting admitted. However, choosing the right school can be quite challenging, the complexity of choosing which program to study, and the academic standard of the institution are some of those factors that need to be considered. Nevertheless, the choice of a right school is still dependent on your goals and motive behind getting tertiary education. An institution might be appropriate for one person and not be for another. Setting one’s priorities first are the key to choosing the right school. In doing that, following the steps below would help

1. What are my academic goals?

Certain schools have designed their programs to specifically suite some line of discipline. These are the first set of colleges to consider when going for a pre-professional education. A School of Engineering for example will likely focus more on matters related to the field by adequately furnishing the student with cutting edge information relevant to their career in the future. It will also provide an avenue to meet and build long lasting and meaningful relationships with those who would end up being colleagues in the field in the future. In picking programs within humanities, consider if the institution has a high ranking for that particular course. Colleges are better at offering one program than the other. Ensure the institution you’re choosing has a high standard and rank high in that field. Some career required specific training to fit into them in the future. Do you require training to fit into a particular career (professional career) or do you need to be generally equipped for any career of choice in the future?

2. Will the university provide for me a working experience while I study?

Go for schools that have programs and the opportunity of solid work experience intertwined in it. Some institutions have designed internship programs to equip students. This knowledge you acquire on the field is quite important to boost your confidence in your career. The experience of work always serves as leverage when you begin to work in an organization in the future

3. Does the institution have the right program to equip me for my long term and career goals?

Get the best out of an institution through the choice of programs that will equip you for your long term goal in life. This is crucial. An institution can have many things to its advantage but may not necessarily provide the program you have in mind or something close to it. Your long term goal shouldn’t however be sacrificed for a university experience that will leave you unaccomplished in later years.

4. Does the University provide support for foreign students?

Schools provide adequate support for international students more than the other. These are factors to consider. If you are considering a program in a university that doesn’t have adequate support offered foreign students, you may need to review the decision. Moving into another country entirely comes with its own challenges. You are faced with new culture, lifestyle and many more. You need all the help you can get. Some institution may be willing to go the extra mile in assisting you to procure your students visa. Often, schools with higher number of foreign students tend to provide better support for those studying abroad. Also, being in an environment where you have a significant population of students from other nationalities tend to be of added advantage. Usually, there is a support group whereby help is provided for such students since they all tend to face similar challenges.

5. Will the school environment give me a memorable experience?

Go for a school that will give you not just the book experience but also the pleasure of enjoying social activities like clubs, society, and other interactive group that will add to your academic experience. A college within a city thriving with a good measure of social activities is also better than in a town where there is little to nothing. The memories of the people you meet, the places you’ve been to, are some of those things that will make the schooling worth the while.

6. What are those things you require in an institution?

The basic things you require in an institution would still be those things that draw you to the colleges you pick within your first five choices. Some of these reasons could be based on logical reasoning or personal sentiments, and may not be categorized as right or wrong in choosing an ideal college for you. However, in the situation whereby these reasons are clashing with your academic goals, you may have to review them. What you want in an institution could be an affordable accommodation within the school facility. This perhaps is one crucial factor to consider when studying abroad. Most schools will make adequate accommodation facility for students from other nationality. But if you would be taking up an apartment within the city or town where the college is located, you may have to consider the cost of living since this varies from one city to another. The cost of living in Los Angeles is quite different from that of Seattle. Based on budgets, these are some factors to consider, where you schooled is where you live, though, temporarily.

7. Do I meet the academic requirement to enroll in the university?

Meeting the academic requirement of an institution or the course of study is a factor to consider when choosing which university to enroll. Requirement may vary from one institution to another. Not meeting a requirement may mean you would have to look for something close to what your original choice may have been. Do you need to sit for a preliminary test, exam or an interview before admission? What are the documents required to tender before your admission? Are they all available?

8. Does my budget cover for the tuition of the school?

Budget is an aspect to give thought to when making a choice. Does your budget cover the school of your choice? It is not enough for your savings to barely cover just a semester of the academic year. Getting enrolled in some universities can be quite expensive and what you have budgeted for your schooling may not be able to cover for it.

9. Does the institution provides an avenue to interact one –on one with supervisors and encourages it?

This form of support goes a long way in helping students accomplish their goals.There is much knowledge to be gleaned through interaction with supervisors. It makes the common challenges of schooling easier to surmount Institutions that encourage and provide moral and other form of support to students create a better environment for study

10. Does the school provide scholarship for foreign students?

You may have scholarship in mind while you contemplate studying abroad but if your budget is drawing you back and the school is not providing the opportunity for scholarship, you may have to opt for another one. There are many institutions that liaise with organizations that give scholarships to both local and foreign students. Look out for these universities within the United States.
